EuroWARCHILD explores the experiences and needs of three generations of children born of war in Europe - children framed as the enemy, as innocent individuals or security threats.

EuroWARCHILD is the first research project to comprehensively examine different groups of war children in the European context; across different conflicts, security settings and generations. EuroWARCHILD will affect policy development and increase attention to children born of war in many European countries, and beyond.

Funded by: European Research Council Consolidator Grant

Duration: 2021-2026

”To date, policy makers have largely overlooked the protection needs and indeed the very existence of children born of rape.”

- Pramila Patten,
UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict
at the launch of the EuroWARCHILD Project

Are you a child born of war?

If you are a child born of war we would love to meet you. Our study specifically pertains to children born in the context of World War II to a German mother and Russian/Soviet soldier father or to a Norwegian or Danish mother and German soldier father, or in the context of the Bosnian war. If you would like to receive more information on EuroWARCHILD or perhaps even participate in the study, please contact us.